Exercises in Interpretation
Suppose we estimated the determinants of
monthly expenditures on ice cream. The dependent
variable, y, is ice cream expenditures (in dollars and cents), in a given month
for a sample of families in
=-25.54 + 0.05X1 + 0.06X2
(0.20) (0.015) df=100 R2=.25
Which interpretations of b2 are valid?
Holding income constant,
The statistically significant result
suggests a West LA family buys more ice cream than a non-West LA family with
the same income.
West LA families spend on average six
cents more on ice cream than non-West LA families per month; this relationship
is statistically significant.
While statistically significant, the
difference in predicted ice cream expenditures between West LA and non-West LA
families is quite small, only six cents a month.
=-25.54 + 0.05X1 + 0.06X2
(0.20) (0.015) df=100 R2=.25
Which interpretations of b1 are valid?
The smaller coefficient for the income
variable indicates that a family’s income has a smaller effect on ice cream
expenditure than the family’s location has.
B. Holding the location constant, family income
has a large predicted effect on ice cream purchases; an extra $1000 in monthly
income causes predicted expenditures to increase by $50 per month.
C. The effect family income is estimated to have
on ice cream expenditure is not statistically significant.
D. The income effect on ice cream expenditures,
while large, is imprecisely estimated.
Suppose we want to
estimate the determinants of the size of single family homes recently built in
the LA area. You run the regression on a
sample of houses:
= b0 + b1X1 + b2X2
+ b3X3
where the dependent variable, y,
is the square footage of the house, X1 is the average price of an
acre of land in the zip code the house is in, X2 is median household
income of the zip code and X3 is house size in square meters.
What is wrong with this
model? Can we determine without
estimating the model what b3 equals? What would R2 equal?
Suppose we ran, for a
sample of households, the regression: where x
is monthly household income (in dollars and cents) and y is monthly consumption
of food (in calories).
A. Explain why b0 will likely be
greater than zero.
B. Explain why this is a correct statement: If, within the equation, b1 =0
then R2 equals 0.
C. Explain why b1 is unlikely to
equal 0.
D. Explain why b1 is unlikely to be
less than zero.
Examples on Conveying Ideas in
magnitudes of data:
A. In 2001, the average temperature in the
B. In 2001, the average temperature in the
C. In 2001, the average temperature in the
Describing magnitudes of data:
A. In 1998, total expenditures on health care in
B. In 1998, total expenditures on health care in
the United States were estimated to be more the $1.1 trillion, equivalent to
$4,178 for every man, woman and child in the nation (Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services 2004).
C. In the
and Active Voice:
A. The new math curriculum is expected to be
associated with higher math scores.
B. We expect that the new math curriculum will
be associated with higher math scores.
C. We expect that adoption of the new
mathematics curriculum will improve math scores.
A. In 1996, the voter turnout for the
presidential election was 63%.
B. In 1996, 63% of the 146 million registered
voters participated in the US presidential election.
C. In 1996, 63% of the 146 million registered
voters participated in the US presidential election. As a percentage of the voting age population
(197 million people), however, voter turnout was only 47%, revealing a large
pool of potential voters who did not participate.